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James Brody
September 24th, 2008, 01:00 PM
Drudge ( announces: "Likeness of Obama found Hanging at (Oregon) University," "Obama took $105,849 from Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac," and from West Virginia: "Man passes gas, charged with battery." Of course, no one notices that our culture collapses into a Bose-Einstein, (winner-take-all, "progressive") state, with a few very powerful hubs and zillions of inconsequentials. I'm glad I had another piece of Sarah.

I arrived in Media about noon on Monday, parked across from the courthouse, and found the most boring hamburger at a traditional townie bar. The bartender had a shriveled left arm and pony tail; the guy to my left collected disability and spent time scratching lotto tickets while he waited for physical therapy time.

A slinky blonde took the stool next to me, asked about my burger, and asked about my predictions for McCain-Palin. I gave it to her: Obama's a crook because of choices that he made for himself. Sarah, on the other hand, sez what my parents did. Her appeal could be an imprinting thing that makes both her, the Supremes, and Mustangs attractive: they repeat what I grew up with. The blonde was a married working-girl, a writer for US News & World Report. She filled her envelope with notes; we traded cards and emails, kinda for me as if we were having sex.

Sat next outside on the curbstone under a tree - cold cement is better than air conditioning - in front of a state senator's office and waited for a while. State cops, dressed in yellow and black like bees and circled on bikes like southern flies on a southern pie. Lawyers and stenos strutted to and fro. I hit another tavern, a very classy one, for a Guinness. Of course, they served a draft beer from a bottle.

A family of three joined me: Mid-30s couple, engaged. ADHD 9 yo girl belonged to the guy but sat to the far side of his fiancee. Bright, nice people, well dressed, used the right forks and spoons, lots of fun. They raved about the snapper soup. She was a fisher and hunter. He went to private school, believes in herbals, and ran the family business, designing machine tools. The kid was, consistent with her diagnosis, a talker and she captured the bar spotlight: she caught a yellow towel at the Lancaster meeting and got Sarah's autograph on it.

I joined the mob outside. Got a red T-shirt, one size fits all, for a nice lady down the block from my house. Walked past a line of Obama chanters and wondered if they had read Hayek.

I wasn't tall enough to see the speakers except for a gap that let me glimpse Mac and Lieberman; Arlen Specter welcomed all. Orange County Choppers donated a Viet Nam edition bike to Mac & Sarah.

Sarah & Mac gave their Lancaster talk. She ripped Barack and made national headlines. Mac swore to clean the temple when he's Prez and got ignored. She still gets more applause than he does and World Net Daily will sell you a Palin-McCain sign for $6.00 (

I was slightly weirded out by a hovering chopper behind me, turned out to be a TV remote.

Beautiful pair of 20 year-old mothers next to me. Both of them short, both of them carried infants. One baby had bright red hair.
"Yes" from mom from beneath her big blue eyes, big-brimmed straw hat, and perfectly clear skin, untouched by sun.
"My grandson has a Norwegian mother...same color hair."
"Oh, what's his name? This is William..."

Wyeth would have loved her for a model. So would Rockwell. So would I. I wonder if Mrs. US News would understand...

The TV chopper and the crowd went home at 6:30 PM. I made it to my drive at 7:15.


Barabási, A-L (2002) Linked: The New Science of Networks. NY: Perseus.
Barabási, A-L & Albert R (1999) Emergence of scaling in random networks. arxiv:cond-mat/9910332v1, 21 Oct 1999
Csermely, Peter (2006) Weak Links: Stabilizers of Complex Systems from Proteins to Social Networks. NY: Springer.
Goldberg J (2007) Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left from Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning. NY: Doubleday.
Hayek Friedrich A (1944/1994) The Road to Serfdom. Chicago: Univ. Chicago Press.
Shlaes, A (2008) The Forgotten Man: A New History of the Great Depression. NY: HarperCollins.